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Bristol Preparatory Academy


Connecticut state law requires parents to make sure that their children between the ages of 5 to 18 attend school regularly. Daily attendance is a key factor to your child’s success! Our goal is for students to attend school at least 90% of the time. This means, on average, students should miss no more than 2 days of school per month.


Absences 1-9: 

  • Call the main office at 860-584-7865 or send a ParentSquare message as soon as possible.
  • Provide a note from parent/guardian or doctor with a reason for your child's absence. 

Absences 10 or more:

  • Call the main office at 860-584-7865 or send a ParentSquare message as soon as possible.
  • Must provide a note from a licensed medical professional, court, or notification of religious holiday observance.